BactoReal® Kit Brucella spp.
Product code : ING.DVEB02111 ING.DVEB02111
BactoReal® Kit Brucella spp. is based on the amplification and detection of the IS711 region of B. abortus, B. ovis, B. melitensis, B. suis and B. canis using real-time PCR.

Packaging Unit
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BactoReal® Kit Brucella spp.
Product beschrijving
Kit contents:
- Detection assay for Brucella spp.
- Detection assay for internal positive control (control of amplification)
- DNA reaction mix (contains uracil-N glycosylase, UNG)
- Positive control for Brucella abortus
- Water
Background: Brucellosisalso called Bang's disease, Crimean fever, Gibraltar fever, Malta fever, Maltese fever, Mediterranean fever, rock fever, or undulant feveris a zoonotic infection of domesticated and wild animals, caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella. Humans become infected by ingestion of food products of animal origin (such as undercooked meat or unpasteurized milk or dairy products), direct contact with infected animals, or inhalation of infectious aerosols. Transmission from human to human is rare but possible. Species infecting domestic livestock are B. melitensis (goats and sheep), B. suis (pigs), B. abortus (cattle and bison), B. ovis (sheep) and B. canis (dogs).
Description: BactoReal® Kit Brucella spp. is based on the amplification and detection of the IS711 region of B. abortus, B. ovis, B. melitensis, B. suis and B. canis using real-time PCR.
PCR-platforms: BactoReal® Kit Brucella spp. is developed and validated for the ABI PRISM® 7500 instrument (Life Technologies), LightCycler® 480 (Roche) and Mx3005P® QPCR System (Agilent), but is also suitable for other real-time PCR instruments.
Sensitivity and specificity: See product description
BactoReal® Kit Brucella spp.
Product specificaties
Packaging Unit
100 tests
Shipment conditions
Stock temperature condition
Channel Pathogen
Channel Internal Positive Control