Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation Kit
Product code : NOR.17900 NOR.17900
For the rapid preparation of genomic DNA from bacteria

Packaging Unit
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Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation Kit
Product beschrijving
For the rapid preparation of genomic DNA from bacteria
- Isolate genomic DNA from all types of bacteria (both Gram-positive and Gram-negative)
- Rapid and convenient spin column protocol
- 96-well format available for high throughput
- High yield, high quality DNA for sensitive downstream applications including sequencing, PCR, qPCR and more
Kit Specifications (Spin Columns)
Maximum Input
2 x 10
9 bacterial cells
Column Binding Capacity
25 µg
Average Yield*
Up to 20 µg
Time to Complete 10 Purifications |
1 hour
Kit Specifications (96-well)
Maximum Input
2 x 10
9 bacterial cells
Well Binding Capacity
25 µg
Average Yield*
Up to 20 µg*
Time to Complete 10 Purifications |
90 minutes
* Yield will vary depending on the type of sample processed
Storage Conditions and Product Stability
The Proteinase K should be stored at -20°C upon arrival and after reconstitution. All other solutions should be kept tightly sealed and stored at room temperature. These reagents should remain stable for at least 1 year in their unopened containers.
Component | Cat. 17900 (50 preps) |
Resuspension Solution A | 20 mL |
Lysis Buffer P | 18 mL |
Solution BX | 28 mL |
Wash Solution A | 18 mL |
Elution Buffer B | 30 mL |
Proteinase K | 12 mg |
Spin Columns inserted into Collection Tubes | 50 |
Elution Tubes (1.7 mL) | 50 |
Product Insert | 1 |
Component | Cat. 17950 (96-well) |
Resuspension Solution | 60 mL |
Lysis Solution | 60 mL |
Binding Solution | 110 mL |
Wash Solution | 2 x 34 mL |
Elution Buffer | 50 mL |
Proteinase K | 50 mg |
96-well Filter Plate | 2 |
Adhesive Tape | 4 |
Collection Plate | 2 |
Elution Plate | 2 |
Product Insert | 1 |
Bacterial Genomic DNA Isolation Kit
Product specificaties
Packaging Unit
50 preps
Norgen biotek
Genomic DNA Purification Kits
DNA Purification