Whitley H85 Hypoxystation
Product code : DWS.A06002
DWS.A06002The Whitley H85 Tissue Culture Incubator creates hypoxic and anoxic conditions within a controlled and sustained workstation environment. It is ideal for researchers wanting to accurately control oxygen, carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity…

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Whitley H85 Hypoxystation
Product beschrijving
The Whitley H85 Tissue Culture Incubator creates hypoxic and anoxic conditions within a controlled and sustained workstation environment. It is ideal for researchers wanting to accurately control oxygen, carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity in a variety of cell culture applications. This workstation is available with an optional refrigeration unit designed to operate at 8°C (other set temperatures available if required).
- Control O2 in 0.1% increments up to 20%; CO2 in 0.1% increments up to 15%; and relative humidity up to 80% - provides flexibility in your research and confidence in your results.
- Available with patented oval glove ports operated by wireless footswitch to allow you to work gloved or bare handed.
- Built-in 30 litre airlock for transfer of bulk samples and equipment into the workstation environment.
- Colour, touch-screen control panel for ease of use and for visual display of parameters such as O2 level, CO2 level, temperature, humidity, and airlock cycle status.
- Available with fully automatic humidification system so you can add moisture AND maintain a sterile environment.
- Fully integrated gas control avoids bulky add-on systems and reduces the need for additional bench space.
- Reminder to perform calibration can be set for between 7 and 21 days.
This Tissue Culture Incubator is ideal for use in university laboratories, hospitals, cancer research facilities
Whitley H85 Hypoxystation
Product specificaties
Don Whitley Scientific
Available - please contact us for more information
ANO2 Conditions Monitor
Not applicable
Temperature Range (°C)
5°C above ambient up to 45°C
Airlock Cycle Time (seconds)
Dimensions (w/d/h - mm)
1570 / 760 / 840
Remote Access
Fitted as standard (network access required)
Port/Airlock Capacity
30 litres / Accommodates up to 133 x 96 well plates or 252 x T25 culture flasks or 18 x T175 culture flasks
Automatic Dehumidifier
Fitted as standard
Internal Mains Socket
Gas Supplies
Auto Sleeve Gassing
Capacity (Litres)
Automatic Humidifier
Not applicable
Extra Cable Glands
Weight (lbs/kg)
330 / 150
Spotlight / Inspection Lamp
Not applicable
Airlock Size
30 litres
Single Sample Entry
Removable Front
Not Available
Touchscreen control
Data Logging
CO2 Monitoring
Fitted as standard
Vacuum Take-off
Porthole System
Manual, sleeved and oval ports
Whitley H85 Hypoxystation
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