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7 Articles
Cytochrome C from horse heart lyophil.
Ca. 10 % may be present in the reduced form. Prepared without the use of TCA.
Gelatin, liquid
From fish skin. Solids content 44.0 - 46.0 %. Contains methyl-/propyl-PHB as preservative. Specially prepared and purified gelatin. Supplied as a pou
ɣ-Globulin bovine
Cohn-Fraction II. Highly purified. Soluble in saline and standard buffers. Suitable to reduce non-specific adsorption of antibody in immunoassay syste
Lectin from Canavalia ensiformis lyophil.
Affinity chromatography (1). Action on tumor cells (2).Sugar specificity: D-glucose, D-mannose and sterically related sugarsHemagglutination: Refere
Myoglobin equine lyophil.
From skeletal muscle; consisting mainly of metmyoglobin (Fe3+ -form).
Streptavidin lyophil. salt-free
Avidin from Streptomyces avidinii, isolated from fermentation filtrates by ion exchange chromatography.
Trypsin MS approved
Trypsin MS approved is suitable for digestion of proteins for mass spectrometry analysis. Reductive methylation of the lysine residues of trypsin re