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18 Articles
Albumin bovine cell culture grade
Cohn Analog. Specially purified albumin with an almost native composition of lipids, fatty acids and other cofactors which are important for cell cul
Albumin bovine cryst. lyophil.
The purest form of our bovine albumins. Manufacturing includes a proprietary heat-shock fractionation process, ion exchange treatment and triple sequ
Albumin bovine Fraction V receptor grade lyophil.
Produced by a proprietary heat-shock fractionation with additional solvent treatment. Contains extremely low levels of heavy metals, alkaline earths,
Albumin bovine Fraction V, Fatty Acid Free, lyophil.
Produced by a proprietary heat-shock/solvent fractionation process. Suitable for in vitro binding and transport studies and in diagnostic systems.
Albumin bovine Fraction V, pH 5.2 standard grade, lyophil.
Manufactured in a similar way as cat. no. 11930 but with adjustment to pH 5.2 prior to lyophilization. Special quality for serology, antibody enhance
Albumin bovine Fraction V, pH 7.0 Life Science grade
Highly purified albumin ideal for use in biotechnology, cell culture diagnostics, research and other Life Science applications. First isolated by a
Albumin bovine Fraction V, pH 7.0 microbiological grade, lyophil.
Manufactured by a proprietary heat-shock fractionation process, using caprylic acid as albumin stabilizer. The product is furthermore solvent-treated
Albumin bovine Fraction V, pH 7.0 standard grade, lyophil.
Manufactured by a proprietary heat-shock fractionation process, using caprylic acid as an albumin stabilizer. Standard quality for many applications:
Albumin bovine Fraction V, Protease and Fatty Acid free diagnostic grade lyophil.
Highly purified albumin, especially designed for protease-sensitive immunoassays, such as RIA and EIA. Suitable as protein standard, diluent, enzyme
Albumin bovine Fraction V, Protease-free lyophil.
Manufactured by a proprietary heat-shock fractionation process; double heated to insure inactivation of proteolytic activity. Excellent for protease
Albumin bovine Fraction V, Very Low Endotoxin lyophil.
Manufactured by a proprietary heat-shock fractionation process, using caprylic acid as an albumin stabilizer. The production process includes steps t
Albumin bovine Fraction V, Very Low Endotoxin, Fatty Acid Free lyophil.
Manufactured by a proprietary heat-shock fractionation process, followed by treatment to lower fatty acids and lipids. The production process include