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8 Articles
Cellulase »Onozuka« R-10 from Trichoderma viride ca. 1 U/mg
A multi-component enzyme system (1). Although the preparation has high cellulase activity, it still contains hemicellulases, and it degrades mannans,
Cellulase »Onozuka« RS from Trichoderma viride ca. 2 U/mg
A multi-component enzyme system (1). Although the preparation has high cellulase activity (EC, it still contains hemicellulases, and it deg
Cellulase R-10
"Cellulase Onozuka R-10" from Trichoderma Viride.1 unit (U) of Cellulase will release 1.0 µMole of glucose from carboxymethyl cellulose. Routinely used for the isolation of protoplasts, for its ability to degrade cell walls. Cellulase "Onozuka…
Cellulase RS
Cellulase "Onozuka RS" is produced by a mutant Trichoderma viride that was derived from the parent strain for Cellulase "Onozuka -R-10". Cellulase RS contains a very high activity of decomposing natural celluloses. This type of cellulase can be…
Macerozyme from Rhizopus sp.
Macerozyme R-10
Macerating Enzyme from Rhizopus sp. Macerozyme is well suited for the isolation of plant cells and is often used in combination with cellulase "Onozuka R-10" (Cat. no. C8001). A multi-component enzyme mixture containg the following enzyme activities.
Macerozyme R-10 from Rhizopus sp. lyophil.
Macerozyme R-10 is suitable for the isolation of plant cells, and can be used in combination with cellulase »Onozuka R-10« (cat. no. 16419) (1, 2) an
Pectolyase Y-23
Pectolyase Y-23 is a highly purified maceration enzyme from Aspergillus japonicus. It contains two types of pectinase such as endo-polygalactu-ronase and endo-pectin lyase in high activity. S. Ishii and T. Yokotsuka, Purification and properties…